

One and half months since the case of David Mugambi was brought to our attention. Needy Cancer Health Initiative took the matter at hand, and we acted quickly to save this young man’s life.
It has been a journey filled with emotions and lots of tears and prayers because of the excruciating pains he has been through for 12 years due to lack of specialized treatment.
Today the improvement in him is tremendous. Thank you KUTRRH fraternity. The treatment regime is for sure is very very positively reactive.

David was discharged 2 weeks ago and he keeps on improving day by day. His fighting spirit is on another level. He is an amazing awesome young man.

A very special thank you to all our well-wishers and Friends who helped settle the Kshs 185,000 bill at KUTRRH and have tirelessly supported us to date.

A big thank you to my house manager Purity Miriti who takes care of David. Purity, your empathy towards humanity is beyond measure. When I brought David to my house I was sincerely scared and worried because I had no idea how you would react. But when we sat down and I explained that this child has nowhere else to go and all his people turned their back on him and he is orphaned you were like ” Mama Manu hakuna kitu hatujaona na wewe so hata huyu tutatunza tu, sisi ni wale wazee🤗🤷🏿‍♀️👏”. I look at you every day, and wonder how I will ever reward you. The sleepless nights we sometimes have in this house, the endless hospital trips, the continuous cooking, washing, etc still amazes me how you maintain your calm and put things in order in the house tirelessly. Thank you very much, our God will reward you, and I am sure your recompense is a sure bet.
As David continues with treatment, let us not tire from supporting him. He will be on active chemotherapy treatment and wound care management for the next five months and I request each one of us to sincerely pray for him. Doctors treat but God heals.
Have a fruitful and blessed week all. Shalom.


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